Latest Publications

The SVHSoc publications below are available to download. Please reference the SVHSoc if you make these available to customers and please check that you have the most up to date version.

Air Handling Unit Condition and Risk Based Monitoring Briefing Document

The following document has been issued by SVHSoc. to help clarify Healthcare Ventilation maintenance requirements for air handling plant which is in excess of its “normal” 20 year average life expectancy (as defined in HTM 03-01 Part A clause 4.4) or has been identified through risk assessment as having critical risk of single point catastrophic failure.

It highlights a number of commonly encountered problems and provides specific guidance and advice on the minimum standards to be provided to ensure patient safety in healthcare premises.

AHU C&RBM Briefing Document.pdf

Change in Air Filter Classification

This guidance note has been developed in response to the new BS EN 16798-3:2017 which has replaced BS EN13779:2007. The BS EN defines the recommended last filter stage in air conditioning in correlation with the outside air quality and the required indoor air quality.

The air filter test standard and efficiency classification system were changed in 2016 from BS EN 779:2012 to BS EN 16890:2016. The guidance will explain how to determine the Outside Air Quality, pick the appropriate Supply Air Category and select a suitable filter classification.


Critical Ventilation System Risk Assessment

This guidance document has been produced to provide assistance to healthcare professional with responsibilities for the management, maintenance and use of critical ventilation systems.

It aims to outline factors to consider when assessing any critical ventilation system to ensure that unplanned unavailability issues are as far as reasonably practical minimised and identify control measures or mitigation in managing the identified risks.

Critical Vent Risk Assessment.pdf

Cryptococcus Briefing Document

Following recent press coverage regarding an incident of two patient deaths at a Glasgow hospital, reported as ‘due to infections of cryptococcus’, this document  information summary has been prepared to provide guidance and proportional advice to estates professionals, regarding any additional actions to consider to minimise or address estates ventilation related issues.

Cryptococcus Briefing Document.pdf

Fire Damper Briefing Document

The following document has been issued by SVHSoc. to help clarify Healthcare Ventilation maintenance requirements for fire and smoke dampers.

It highlights a number of commonly encountered problems and provides specific guidance and advice on the minimum standards to be provided to ensure patient safety in healthcare premises.

Fire Damper Briefing Document.pdf

Operating Theatre – Surgeon’s Panel and Control Strategies

The following document has been issued by SVHSoc. to help clarify Ventilation requirements for Operating Theatres, Control Strategies and the function of the Surgeons Panel.

Operating Theatre – Surgeons Panel and Control Strategies.pdf